A Key Advantage
Reliable & Affordable Services
Reliable & Affordable Services
Chesterfield’s utility providers offer customers reliable and affordable service, including some of the most competitive electricity rates in the nation.
Low-Cost Utilities & Services
Low to moderate costs of utility services can make Chesterfield a bargain for business.
Electric power is inexpensive by national standards, water is plentiful, and natural gas prices are competitive.
Electric power and natural gas are provided by major utility companies.
Chesterfield also has state-of-the-art telecommunications infrastructure and services provided by major corporations.
Water and wastewater services are provided by Chesterfield County.
Solid waste services are provided by private companies operating modern, state-of-the-art facilities.

Electric Power Service
Dominion Energy provides electric power to Chesterfield County.
Dominion Energy’s reliability rate for 2021 was 99.9% (excluding major storms).
Dominion Energy’s rates for industrial customers are 30% below the U.S. average at 5.0 cents/kWh. Virginia’s business rates and tariffs are among the best.
Dominion Energy offers a variety of rate options that may lower operating costs for commercial and industrial users.
Dominion Energy also has a variety of Green Power programs sourcing sustainable, renewable energy for commercial and residential customers.
Dominion Energy Average Rates (bundled rates Summer 2022):
- Industrial: $0.0686 (1,000 kWh demand; 650,000 kWh/month)
- Commercial: $0.0824 (40 kWh demand; 14,000 kWh/month)
- Residential: $0.1203 (1,000 kWh/month)

Natural Gas Service
Columbia Gas of Virginia, with headquarters in Chesterfield, is one of the largest natural gas utilities in the state.
Columbia Gas of Virginia serves the majority of areas in the county.
The company operates an open access system which enables customers to secure the most efficient firm or interruptible service through Columbia Gas of Virginia or any number of gas marketers.
Columbia Energy Group owns and operates the interstate pipeline serving Chesterfield.
The City of Richmond provides natural gas service in the areas not served by Columbia Gas of Virginia.
Natural gas is available in sufficient supplies for any industrial user.

Fiber Optics & Communications
Chesterfield has telecommunications services available to accommodate virtually all business communication needs.
These services include extensive fiber-optic networks with dark fiber, digital switching, synchronous optical networks, and special access services.
The MAREA and BRUSA trans-continental fiber lines run through Chesterfield County from Virginia Beach to the Washington, D.C. area.
Wireless service providers include T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, AT&T, and Sprint.
Providers include Comcast Business, Verizon Fios, Segra and others.

Water and Wastewater Services
The Chesterfield County Department of Utilities uses state-of-the-art technology to deliver the highest quality water and wastewater service to customers in Chesterfield County.
The water delivery system has a total capacity of 110.5 million gallons per day. The average amount supplied is 39.35 million gallons per day.
Water for the system is obtained from the Swift Creek Reservoir, the Appomattox River Water Authority and the City of Richmond.
Chesterfield is served by an integrated wastewater treatment system. The system has an average daily use of 23.55 million gallons and a total capacity of 41.3 million gallons daily.

Solid Waste Service
Shoosmith Brothers, Inc. operates a sanitary landfill in Chesterfield County. The facility epitomizes a modern, state-of-the-art waste management and recycling operation.
Environmental controls have been designed and constructed into the landfill. Safety features include groundwater monitoring, composite double-liner systems, and active leachate and landfill gas management.
Solid waste collection services are offered throughout Chesterfield.