State and Local Government
Virginia Government
Virginians take pride in their long tradition of sound government.
State and local tax burden is low compared to other states.
Virginia offers a stable and predictable tax and regulatory environment.
Corporate income tax rate has been 6% since 1972.
Virginia Constitution mandates balanced budgets for the state and localities.

Virginia State Capitol Building
Chesterfield County Government
- Chesterfield County provides complete local government services such as fire, police and emergency rescue.
- Chesterfield is responsible for its own school system and public utilities system.
- There are no incorporated towns in Chesterfield.
- Chesterfield is divided into five magisterial districts, each represented by an official on the Board of Supervisors.
The Board of Supervisors employs a County Administrator as the chief administrative officer
The Board of Supervisors is responsible for public policy, local resources and overseeing the conduct of Chesterfield’s affairs.
- Chesterfield County government, as a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, also assists in the local implementation of Virginia state laws and programs.

Chesterfield Courts Building
County Government Structure
- Chesterfield has a Charter form of government.
- A five member Board of Supervisors is elected by district.
- The Board appoints the County Administrator.
County Government Scope of Services
- County provides all local government services.
- No overlapping of boundaries with cities or towns.
- Public education supported by county taxes via transfer to the School Board.
County Government Property Taxes & Bond Ratings
Property tax rates are established by the Board of Supervisors each spring after a public hearing.
- Chesterfield County is one of only 49 counties in the nation to hold AAA ratings from all three major bond rating agencies.
County Debt
- General obligation debt must be approved in a referendum.
- Debt secured solely by project revenue does not require a referendum. The debt management policy sets a ceiling ratio of debt to assessed value at 3.5 percent.
No legal debt limit; in practice, the county limits general obligation debt to 3.5 percent of assessed value and a target ratio of 3 percent.
Other County Financial Issues
- Virginia law requires a balanced budget.
- Chesterfield Department of Budget & Management prepares the current Biennial Financial Plan.
- Consistently improving bond ratings allow the county’s general obligation bonds to trade at AAA rates.
County Code of Ordinances
Chesterfield County’s Code of Ordinances is available for online viewing.
Zoning and subdivision ordinances are available on a Chesterfield Planning Department web page.
Public Safety Services
Chesterfield County provides excellent public safety services to all businesses and residents.
The county has a low crime rate and its streets are among the safest for residents and motorists.
Visit the Chesterfield Safety and Security Web Site to learn more.