Invest in your most valuable asset
Your Employees
Workforce Development
Your employees are your most valuable asset. Investing in your workforce is critical to the success of your business.
Companies prioritizing employee education and training experience have increased staff engagement, higher retention rates, and better financial performance.
Our team is here to help you make your workforce a top priority. We offer a wide range of services to support your workforce including:
Recruitment and retention consulting
Labor market analysis
Wage analysis
Layoff prevention
We can also connect you with available grants and tax credits to help offset some of the expenses of hiring and training workers.
In addition, we have an extensive network of workforce development partners ready to assist.
Let’s discuss your unique needs and collaborate on a strategic action plan to achieve your goals quickly and effectively.
Workforce Development Partners and Programs
The CCWA is a partnership between Brightpoint Community College and Reynolds Community College that provides non-credit training, customized instruction, consulting, skills assessments and educational programs for businesses.
Funded through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the Career Works Center offers free recruitment services such as job posting distribution, screening and recruitment assistance, job fairs, private “Meet the Recruiter” events and more. They also offer funding to help with onboarding and training of new employees.
This state incentive program provides customized recruiting and training services to companies creating new jobs or experiencing technological change. Funding is provided in the form of cash reimbursements (not tax credits) and is performance-based.
The Virginia Employment Commission (VEC), a partner in the Virginia Workforce Network (VWN), is the public employment service established to assist employers in finding qualified workers and to assist workers in finding suitable jobs.
There are no fees charged to the employer or applicant for these services. VEC staff will assist employers by screening and referring applicants to job openings, providing critical labor market information for business and economic planning, and coordinating statewide Employer Advisory Committee activities.
A division of The Literacy Institute at VCU, the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center (VALRC) strengthens Virginia’s adult education and literacy system through professional development, resources and collaborative projects.
VALRC provides face-to-face and online training for Virginia adult education teachers and program staff, manages the GED® Virginia website and GED® Helpline, and supports the development and expansion of the PluggedInVA career pathways program for adults.